If everything is at his…
If you practice everything…
If a human being gives…
More animal characteristics…
The fawner is the one…
In flattery there is no…
The value of a person…
The respect comes from…
The respect concerns the…
When the truth is neglected,…
The flattery and hypocrisy…
The flatterer is an exhibitionist…
The exaggeration in the…
The showing of the love…
The failure is a golden…
Each great occasion requires…
The one that possesses…
The inner wealth makes…
The true love is able…
When the acts become "speakers",…
When images become speakers,…
The greater is the difficulty…
No one else other than…
La dignité est plus valeureuse…
In each of us, there is…
The true religion is the…
The anger comes from the…
The exaggeration of the…
The displays of affection…
The lack of purity in…
The one who is caring,…
Goodwill produces affection.
The one who is sincere…
A repentant person will…
The analysis and understanding…
The knowledge of science…
If behind the affection…
The one who has a true…
The enemy of the good…
Jealousy destroys the…
The one that evokes the…
The remedy of anger is…
The "materiophilia"…
Materiophilia destroys…
The cause of jealousy…
To reach the state of…
If you compare your strong…
Someone overproud does…
Someone overproud is not…